Helping Every Alabama Student Graduate with Opportunity

Jobs for Alabama’s Graduates (JAG)
There are thousands of Alabama students who face stifling challenges on a daily basis. Homelessness, basic reading deficiency and incarcerated parents are just a few of the 33 barriers that JAG-eligible students battle.
Jobs for Alabama’s Graduates (JAG) engages students in those difficult circumstances and prevents them from dropping out of high school by equipping them with academic, professional, and leadership skills. Through our 360-degree approach, JAG has seen a 98.38% graduation success rate of students who were once destined for dropping out.
Jobs for America’s Graduates, Inc. (JAG) is a national non-profit corporation established in 1980 for the purpose of assisting state affiliates in building a statewide organization to test one or more of the three (3) program applications of the JAG Model.
- School-to-Career Program (Seniors Only)
- Multi-Year Program (Grades 9-12)
- Out-of-School Program (Out-of-School Students Only)
After more than two decades of operation, JAG has proven to be one of the most cost-effective and successful state-level strategies for tackling high dropout rates, low academic performance, youth unemployment, and other critical issues related to at-risk youth.
The Impressive Impact JAG Has Made Throughout Alabama