A Proactive Approach to Workforce Development

Alabama Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) and Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs are the best and most dynamic delivery channel for the essential skills to prepare College + Career-Ready Learners for high-potential careers in Alabama.
Our organization is a public-private partnership between the Alabama State Department of Education, Alabama’s employers and industry leaders, and CTE+CTSO teachers and students to prepare Alabama’s future workforce with the essential 21st Century skills needed for College and Career success. Our goal is to increase support to build America’s premier workforce of the future right here in Alabama.
We are the advocacy and administrative foundation for Career Technology Student Organizations (CTSOs) across Alabama.
We know that high school students are not graduating with the required skills to be college and career ready.
We believe that every high school student in Alabama, no matter their economic status or chosen career path, should graduate with the leadership, academic, and career skills they need to succeed.
We make this a reality by providing financial, administrative, development, and advocacy support to Alabama CTSOs – the organizations teach and train our students the leadership and innovative skills required to succeed in 21st century careers.
We build partnerships with industry partners and community leaders to collaborate on the best ways to build Alabama’s high performance workforce of tomorrow.
This way students can be prepared for an ever-evolving job market, we can close the workforce gap, and Alabama can be a national leader in workforce development.